Membership information

There are three categories of Midsteeple Quarter* membership:

  • Type A - An individual living within the DG1 or DG2 postcode areas

  • Type B - An organisation or business based within the DG1 or DG2 postcode areas

  • Type C - An individual, organisation or business based outwith the DG1 or DG2 postcode areas**

*Midsteeple Quarter is the trading name of Dumfries High Street Limited, a Community Benefit Society

**Type C members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting of Dumfries High Street Limited (T/A Midsteeple Quarter)

Share certificates for Midsteeple Quarter are issued once the form below has been completed, accepted and the £1 membership share price paid

If you have any queries about becoming a member of Midsteeple Quarter, please email

Sign up to become an MSQ member

Application form